Lying on the cold sheets
Gazing at the stars
I would often fall asleep
Forgetting you
O summer moon
You still shone
At the window
And spread over
My threshold
Your sequined smile
Autumnal wind...
Did you take away
My dear friend
I had carried her back home
On chariots of chrome
She had winked at me
And promised to be mine
Where does she hide now?
Beneath the caper of the clouds
Darkening deeper my nights
Oh! That frozen smile
I guess winter has arrived
You have lost your sheen a little
Your shine sends chill down my spine
Your bleak visage soothe
My fluttering heart no longer
O ice maiden
Where are the nights warmer ?
Aah spring...
You bring back intoxicating dreams
Your breeze sprays fragrances
Of delight...your blooms are
Ever so bright
The days are sunny and cheerful
The nights have that devilish charm
I know you are no longer mine
Yet I crave for your beatific smile
O spring moon
You have always been my muse
And shall forever remain mine
Pic from Pinterest
Shared with Poets And Storytellers United