Friday 13 January 2023

Healing Centre

 I haul my bags in and am greeted with a "you are late."

I pause

scraping of wheelers

hurts the silence

No way I can go back. She extends her hands and smilingly burrows me with a warm hug.


this weight of 

frozen steps

"You will get used to it." There's a twinkle in her eyes. How does she know what I am going through?


deep down we are

all the same

Shared with Storytellers United


  1. I love 'This weight of frozen steps' and yes deep down we are all the same' Just curious vanderloost sounds like a Dutch name

  2. Vanderlust is the German version of Wanderlust. I just improvised on the same by adding two os as it is pronounced like that. I am Indian. Thanks for your comment.

  3. Liked this one... yes, we are the same.. though we may not see that for a long time!

  4. In spite of frozen steps, we move on, we must. What if it's through a quagmire!

    1. True...summoning the courage within is very crucial. Thanks for the esteemed visit.

  5. What a fascinating snippet, told in glimpses and conveying so much!

  6. "You will get used to it" isn't a very romantic for a fresh meeting from being away. Guess that's her reply, the twinkle. This was a very interesting scene from life being played.

  7. An understanding soul is a wonderful thing to find, especially when we are on a journey to understand ourselves.

  8. So much arrayed here in this small, elegant poem.

  9. Being understood is a relief. When someone extends their hand and smiles it eases the tension and acknowledges that on so many levels we are one.
