Friday 10 March 2023

O Ye Wildflowers....Will You Let Me Be Like You

I have often trampled you under my feet
Like others have done to my dreams
Ignored your ever smiling visage
Pulled a face at your wild ways
How you grow unintended without a care in the world
Even plucked you brutally out of my way
And you not even winced once
Cried out in pain or spilled a tear or two
I have disgraced you more than often
Dispelled you from my comfort zone
Called you a burden on this Earth
Growing, grooving, happily dancing where you should not
I have never wanted you, understood you or cared for you
Never have I given a thought what will happen to you if I don't tend or care for you
Will you forgive me despicable ways
O ye wildflowers!!!
Whatever I have done cannot be now undone
I have wronged, I have sinned, I have weeded you out of my life
Not realising you are me and I am you
Forever the uprooted, the distanced, the unwanted
O ye wildflowers if you'd once bared your soul to me
I would have recognised those scars, those charred wounds, those desperations under the guise of Bohemian delight

Give me a chance to make amends please
O ye queen of wilderness
Let me be you one more time
Let me live life on my own terms
Without explaining others
Why was I born when I was not meant to be


  1. Forever the uprooted, the distanced, the unwanted - the analogy and the angst works very well here.

  2. I can relate, Geetashree. I know this is a tough habit to break, but awareness is everything!
    Loved this! ЁЯШН

  3. Wow beautiful piece of writing

  4. Wow, not only a love letter but a heartfelt plea for forgiveness, and then some fellow-feeling too! A powerful piece.

  5. Powerful writing, indeed. Sometimes we forget to be kind and what we do to others we do to ourselves.

    1. Absolutely true. Sooner we realise the better.

  6. An excellent way of looking at life and adapting too.

  7. I hope each of us get a chance to make it up to trampled flowers, and that we are in time for the gesture to count... ЁЯдЮЁЯП╜

    1. Yes, that's the only hope that keeps us going.ЁЯЩПЁЯЩП
