Friday, 29 April 2016


From Google

Today I cleaned the attic
Dusted the mats
Ran the creaky drawers on their rusty channels
Vacuumed the drapes
Sprayed the freshener generously around
Then closed all the windows.....doors that no dust
Should settle again on the bed, floor, closets
But there is one little hole
Down the corner (......workmanship of a nibbler)
Where the walls meet the floor
Cleverly covered by the frayed carpet
Which I couldn't shut....................(though I tried hard, believe it or not)
Like the blocked drain
In the shaft
................And the sun somehow manages to creep in
Through the slit lighting a room so dark and heavy with the smell
Of ancient baggage, mothballs and memories............
It rankles deep down..............(why I wonder!!)

And when I wrote a few verses today
...................On the vastness of the sky
...............................................Running meadows
.................................................................................Singing streams
..........................................................................................................Gurgles of laughter
The little hole in the unused attic
Kept on bothering me
With its narrow confines
Where the world seems to open up and beckon me...............
Yet I stay bolted behind

Shared with Poets United