Saturday 3 August 2024

My Neighbour

Sharp 12.00 PM
She is there
Nosing around 
Poking, peeping,
Irritating ... 
Curious as ever 

"Too much of curiosity is not good"
Like water falling on stone
It has no effect on her
"What you reading?"
She asks, her eyes sharp, shrewd
Brows puckered in an ugly frown
"A book...a novel.."
"What about?"
"About a married girl being blackmailed about her past..."
She snorted...
"As usual, old story..."
"It's interesting ", I said
" Must be,"She smirked,
" Everybody is interested in other's business,"
I look at her pointedly 
She shrugs 
"Why don't they write about the futility of everything.... conquests and bloodbaths...
we are making history they say.....all rubbish "
"Yes, all rubbish! That is why it's not written about"
She puts her head down almost kissing her chest
"All rubbish! All rubbish!" She suddenly shrieks,
A cackle of laughter follows
I object but by then she is gone 

At 12.00 PM
Every afternoon 
She comes uninvited 
Sitting on the leafy branch
Of my Chameli tree
Surveys the world around knowledgeably 
Makes a few caustic comments about humans and their follies
Flies away spreading her wings wide

To peep in some other windows 
And collect the leftovers of
Gossips and whispers 
Of mellowed pain 

I don't hide my feelings 
She can't care less
Yet, if she is late 
I look at the clock
And check the time

Is it not 12.00 PM ?
How come she is not here
My neighbour 
Infallible Mrs Crow...


  1. I have a few such neighbours. Mine are quite loud.

  2. Oh! Am sure you like their inquisitiveness too like me.

  3. Such a good name, Infallible Mrs Crow! I enjoyed your account of her.

    It's good to remember that our neighbours who need and deserve love also include non-human beings.

  4. Thank you so much. If only we could understand their language!!

  5. The futility of everything. It's time some of our zealots and patriots realised rhe wisdom of that.

    By the way, the pics are charming.

  6. Hmmm ! I also have a few similar neighbours. Hence can relate to this poetic expression (and agree to the thoughts embedded in). The pictures are no less good than this post. Nice (for me) to have visited here. And thanks to you for this post.

  7. Thank you Mathur Sahab. After such a long time. Happy to find you here.
