Friday, 26 May 2023

Mistakes Are Mine

I have shared a lot with her
Opened my heart out
My dissensions with my family
My concept of the ideal
Which was never to be found
The way I wanted to reshape
My childhood so that I could
Grow up a better person
My fear of intimacy
My inability to handle that barrage
Of emotions which I had suppressed
Over epochs , my passionate clinging
To bitterness, the inexcusable hatred
For people who have deprecated my self
My anger which is the only expression
For everything I have been deprived of
My acute sense of righteousness
The injustices languishing within me
Like  festering wounds which refuse to heal
Undoubtedly she is a good listener
Her calculated inputs sort me out 
Tells me to go about life mechanically
Day in and day out without complaint
Without repentance, without guilt, 
Without remorse - for a while it consoles me
And kind of pushes me forward
But at times as I am pulled back again
She keeps quiet because she has repeated
Herself too often and too much that 
Sometimes it sounds gibberish, garbled
I resent those moments - I chose her
Because she is only mine but I wish
When I ventilate my angst in so many
Different ways she could cry out to stop me
From going on and on or hush me up with a 
Hug or just shed a few tears because 
I just can't 

Today's Prompt : AI

Pic from Google

Sunday, 21 May 2023

Music I Can't Hate

 I hate to say 

I have no song to hate

chirping of the birds early morn

 click of a latch opening to dawn

 sprinkle of water on the leaves

 welcome bark of my naughty pet

for a trot in the gentle breeze 

 sharp chiming of the alarm

 soft shuffle of my helping hand

shrieking whistle of the milk pot

 tea to a full boil on the stove

 spooning of the hot drink

 first of  my mom's day meals 

 crisp corn flakes in the cup

 dry chuckling notes I so love 

as  sky warms up to a glow

 bell rings....  tis the milkman I know

 vegetable and fruit sellers call out

in  singsong ways 

the tap rolls out

bucket fills up without a noise

unfolding of the sartorial pile

a car revving ...'nother reversing

mad rush...honking ... hurrying...swerving 

 then the smooth stop at the gate

clicking of boots

punching of cards

quiet parting of the glass 

 PC waking up 

the music's all mine

 .... sometimes a soft score 

at times a crescendo so high

midday....the giggles, the guffaws, the snides

a new lyric of flowing tide

taken over  by  hushed tones 

of rustling sheafs

heaps on heaps

agreeing...disagreeing....making a point.....

sometimes a debate too loud and long

measures of  tea cups or  coffee stimulus

a vocal perhaps not so sonorous 

seeping into the quietude of corridors

gradually as dusk descends to the floor

emptying out of the parking lot

a vigorous welcome.....back to my hearth 

quietened only by crunching of the munch

i wake her up with that warming cup

earlier hand made i miss so much 

her vacant looks, her garbled speech,

her despair soothed by a touch

flicking on of the TV

does not make sense....yet there it is

till the plate of smoked bread 

and curry

is placed before with a flurry

the impatient finding of the pills

which helps me to climb uphill

and then the last drooping of lids

 my out of scale snores

matching with my peeves

all are music 

i just can't hate

like the jingle of a non-stop bell

life sings out to me

with so much zest 

or is it just a mindless jest?  

Shared with Poets and Storytellers United

Saturday, 13 May 2023

What's Not Done

in the womb of the night
i let myself count
what's left undone
in the wink of a moment
they call a lifetime

to grasp the whispered
tales of the wind
to swim away with the
gracious clouds
to playfully whack
the peaks so high
just to startle them out 
of their yogic stance
to snooze on the 
top most branch
of that tree
so near to my window
yet left  unseen
hugging the shimmers 
of a chuckling sun

pirrouette amidst the stars
humming the tune
oh so bygone
resting my head against the
crystal arch of the
crescent moon  ЁЯМЩ
and let the goons
wear out their wars

unbind the width of 
the azure sky with a
a measuring tape of 
sartorial delight
and wrap it around
like a chiffon dress
creases saved
and wrinkles unpressed

to wisk away to a
a god forsaken land
where no-one knows 
who i am

throughout this birth
i wasted time in 
 weighing my bags
 leaving much undone

will i get a wisp 
of a chance
to shirk away
what i ought not done
before the clock's
overwhelming sigh
to swipe away the debris
and say goodbye