Sunday, 28 April 2024

At Sixty

At sixty
I am still not consumed forever
Life still flickers
Though not inflammable
It's peculiar strength
Comes from bygone years
By now I should have given up
On having a heart....yet I am not heart-less
Till now.... nor am I green with envy
Of those who possess sweeter memories 
Of days gone by and left in hand
Nor do I yearn for my baby teeth
To show off the whiteness of my soul
Virgin in its longings

At sixty
I am my own self 
A little bitter...a wee bit better than
My former self with roots firmer still

Stretching to the ocean 
Where all tributaries mingle
And loose their own selves
In shape, colour, creed of being human

Friday, 19 April 2024


emptying out
a magpie's nest
winter memories

how softly 
leaves kiss the dust
still spring 


chasing shades
summer noons....of
thirsty birdbaths


leaves..........some green
now brown
how little I know myself